Little Red Dragon
Little Red Dragon
About Little Red Dragon
Little Red Dragon is a community driven USDT rewarding token.
With community driven we really mean community driven!
Every step we take in the project will be decided together with the community.
We strongly believe building a strong community is one of the most important foundations of a succesfull project.
Threw AMA's and Polls we are giving the choice to the community in every step we take considering partnerships, marketing, and usecases to add to the project.
Marketing Wallet
Receiving 5% of all transactions received by the marketing wallet allows us to conduct aggressive campaigns continuously.
Liquidity Fee
The 4% liquidity fee thats added to our liquidity helps us to built a stable placefloor as the project grows!
USDT Rewards
5% of all transactions will be distributed to all our holders and paid out in USDT!
Earn passive income from the rewards you receive without having to sell $BADAPE!
Marketing Wallet
Liquidity Fee
USDT rewards
Pinksale presale
Pancakeswap Launch
CMC & CG fasttrack
Techrate audit
Dextools trending #1
DAPP release
Release of NFT collection
Release of our NFT Marketplace
Merchandise release
continously targeted marketing campaigns
Collaboration with a gaming developer to build our very own BADAPE mobile game
weekly tournaments with $BADAPE tokens and BADAPE NFT's for the winners of the week.